Monday, November 28, 2011


Terminal Moraine: The end moraine marking the farthest advance of a glacier.
Lateral Moraine: A ridge of till along the sides of a valley glacier composed primarily of debris that fell to the glacier from the valley walls.
Medial Moraine: A ridge of till formed when lateral moraines from two coalescing alpine glaciers join.
Drumlin: A streamlined symmetrical hill composed of glacial till. The steep side of the hill faces the direction from which the ice advanced.
Kettle: Depressions created when blocks of ice become lodged in glacial deposits and subsequently melt.
Esker: Sinuous ridge composed largely of sand and gravel deposited by a stream flowing in a tunnel beneath a glacier near its terminus.
Proglacial lake: A lake formed from glacier runoff, filling a depression caused by the glacier.

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